How to Avoid the Most Common Motorcycle Accidents

avoid motorcycle accidentsThe comedian Norm MacDonald does a routine about people worrying about death. A lot of people get on an airplane and immediately start to worry the plane will crash. Ridiculous, says Norm, and he’s right. Airplanes are extremely safe. He explains that some people obsess that they will be attacked and killed by terrorists! Also, highly unlikely. But, he asks, “what are the chances you will be attacked and killed by your own heart? About 100%.” The point is, if you take time to take care of your heart and your body you’ll surely live longer.

Motorcycles are obviously a lot of fun to ride for many people. I know many motorcycle enthusiasts who would never give up the experience no matter how dangerous it may or may not be. Being aware of the most common causes for motorcycle accidents and ways to avoid them is the key to enjoying motorcycles for many safe years. So what are the 10 most common causes for accidents? We’re going to cover 5 in this article, and 5 more later.

NOTE: These are tips. We are not motorcycle safety experts. We encourage all motorcyclists to take regular safety training from certified safety instructors. In south Florida contact the Safety Council of Palm Beach County or Motorcycle Safety of Florida.

Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

1 –  Someone Turns Left in Front of You.

How to avoid: You must see it coming and anticipate it. If there is a gap in traffic coming the other direction, watch carefully for someone who might try to turn left. Don’t count on a turn signal since most people just don’t use them. See if the person seems to have locked on to you with their eyes. Are they focusing on you or on the direction they want to go? Usually it’s the latter. Are their wheels turned left already? Is there someone behind you? What is the road surface? All this data streams into your brain as you have less than a millisecond to make a decision. It’s just a good idea to reduce speed and stay focused. Also, is your headlight on?

Read more “How to Avoid the Most Common Motorcycle Accidents”

Malfunctioning Tail Light a Possible Factor in Motorcycle Fatalities Near Tampa

florida motorcycle fatalitiesA tragic accident near Tampa on Saturday night killed two people from Ohio. Apparently the man and woman were riding a motorcycle on I-75 when they were hit from behind by a car. Early investigation information suggests that the rear tail light on the motorcycle was not operating and the two deceased persons were not wearing helmets.

Florida Ranks High for Motorcycle Fatalities

We stress so many safety-related guidelines for Florida drivers of cars, trucks, and motorcycles but we have not recently covered inspecting vehicles for working lights and other equipment. There was a time in Florida when safety inspections were mandatory prior to registering a vehicle but they were eliminated in 1981.

When you think of the brake and tail lights on the rear of a car, there are two built in to each rear light assembly and another higher up inside the rear window. Motorcycles have a much smaller warning for other drivers when they apply their brakes and if they are not functioning, the motorcycle may be practically invisible.

If the state is not inspecting your car, then it is up to you!

Have Your Vehicle Inspected

Each time you have your oil changed, make a point to ask the technician to check your all your lights. Brake lights, headlights, all of them. As you can see from the terrible incident above, it may save your life.

An article about the motorcycle accident is here, from the Columbus Dispatch.

Florida Accident AttorneysMotorcycle Accident Attorneys

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus works with people who have been seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents. We are committed to making sure that our clients receive compensation under the law for their injuries and all other damages incurred. Please call us at 954-356-0006 for a confidential consultation.