A new study released to coincide with Distracted Driving Awareness Month (April) says that Florida ranks poorly when it comes to focusing on the road. Florida drivers are among the most dangerous menaces on the road, ranking second-worst in the nation for being distracted while behind the wheel, according to a study of driving habits.
After a steady decline in fatal accidents nationwide, there has been a slow increase over the past 6 years and many experts believe it is due to distracted driving, mainly texting while driving.
The states with the best record for complying with phone-and-drive laws were:
1. Vermont
2. Minnesota
3. Oregon
4. New Hampshire
5. Connecticut
And the worst were:
46. Idaho
47. Mississippi
48. Tennessee
49. Florida
50. Louisiana
Being number 49 is a distinction that Florida drivers should really think about. Not only should we all pledge not to be distracted by our phones, but if we are conscientious drivers, we need to be aware that those around us are possibly not seeing what they should. Even pedestrians and bicyclists need to understand that the driver coming up behind them may be staring at a new text message, veer off the road, and hit them. It’s happening every day.
Many safety experts are recommending this unorthodox approach to driving: Turn your cell phone off! There is nothing that is so important to risk a serious accident because you’re texting or fumbling with your phone. The phone calls and text messages will be there when you reach your destination.
The New York Post published an article “Our Cellphones are Killing Us” which included this: “The happy song makes me HAPPY,” she wrote before crashing. Emergency responders discovered that she’d also been taking selfies shortly before the accident.
We’ll know whether “Distracted Driving Awareness Month” was successful when the statistics come out. We can only hope people are starting to pay attention to the news, which describes in detail how dangerous it is to use a phone while driving.
Fort Lauderdale Accident Attorneys
The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus deals with victims of serious accidents every day and it is heartbreaking to see what happens to people’s lives when they are seriously injured. Please call us if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident and we will provide the legal advice necessary to make the best decision. We are experienced and qualified Fort Lauderdale accident attorneys for over 20 years. You can reach us at 954-356-0006.
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