Have you ever had to deal with a transitory foreign substance? It sounds like something quite sinister, doesn’t it? Well, before you Google what that is we’ll tell you.
Transitory means (1) not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal. (2) lasting only a short time; brief; short-lived; temporary.
Foreign means (in premise liability cases) (1) not being from that area.
Substance for this discussion is, a substance. It can be anything. Grape jelly, broken glass, a golf ball.
Premises Liability refers to the responsibility of a property owner to maintain a safe environment for the public and employees.
It seems that lawyers have a language of their own, but there is good reason. Words are important in matters related to the law. When dealing with serious situations words must be specific. For example: If a person is shopping in a store and slips on a splotch of grape jelly, falls, and dislocates their back, this isn’t just another “slip and fall” case where the victim is looking to get a fast settlement. This is more likely, in the cases we handle, a serious situation involving a healthy person being permanently injured due to a lack of due care by a business or premises owner, because a transitory foreign substance caused a very serious accident.
We believe that when an injured person comes to us with a solid explanation and believable story explaining how they were injured, that person deserves to be listened to and believed. It is then our job to investigate the circumstances, extent of injury, and possible negligence and liability involved. It might be grape jelly or it might be a beam falling from the ceiling in a theater, we are here to listen and help.
The Florida statute involving “premises liability for transitory foreign substances in a business establishment” is 768.0755 and we know it well. Your rights are our primary concern, and if you are injured due to someone else’s carelessness you can trust us to listen to you and to believe you. Reach out to us at 954-356-0006 and we will arrange a complimentary consultation at your convenience.
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