Florida Lawsuit Time Limits

Time and Tide Wait for No Man – Florida Lawsuit Time Limits

Florida Lawsuit Time Limits

There is no solid data about how many people procrastinate, but it seems possible that it is tied to age. One study found that 80% of college students procrastinate which is probably why so many of them have to “cram” before a major exam. We guess they are busy with social activities.

Later in life when bills start coming in every month most people learn to stop procrastinating because if they don’t the electric company turns of their power and that puts a damper on “Netflix and Chill” plans.

Time and tide wait for no man – Geoffrey Chaucer

Lawmakers have time limitations built in to most laws, both civil and criminal. This means the government has a certain amount of time to prosecute someone for a crime, and a person has limited time to file a lawsuit. Once the deadline passes, it’s too late.

Fort Lauderdale Accident AttorneysIn Florida there are time limitations for different situations and for civil cases most of them are found in Title VIII Chapter 95. These limitations cover everything from how long a debtor has to collect a debt to how long a person has to file a lawsuit for damages. This latter situation is where we have witnessed many people lose the opportunity to be compensated for injuries and damage resulting from another person’s negligence.

The time limits sometimes start the moment of the incident, and some start on other dates and times. Understanding these laws and limitations is not easy, and it’s one of the reasons attorneys go to law school. It is one thing that should definitely not be a do-it-yourself project.

Let’s look at a hypothetical situation: You are out driving one day and someone hits your car from behind, fairly hard. You’re a little shook up you don’t want to make a big deal out of it so you ask the other driver to pay for damages to your car and let it go. A few weeks later you feel an ache in your neck and back but a couple Advils make it go away and you live with it.

More time passes and finally you think you should look into calling an attorney, but you are told it’s too late. The deadline has passed.

Medial Malpractice cases have a time deadline to file a lawsuit. Auto, truck, and motorcycle accidents have a deadline, and if you ever want to sue an employer for back pay, there is a deadline for that. The clock is always ticking.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been helping people negotiate with insurance companies to recover damages and pay medical bills since 1992. When necessary we file lawsuits and we do so timely so as to be successful. Our reputation is excellent for service and expertise, and our online reviews can be reviewed by clicking here. Please call us at (954) 356-0006 if you have any questions. Our initial consultations are always free and confidential.

Prescription Errors South Florida Covid-19

Covid-19-Related Chaos and Errors at the Pharmacy – Lazarus and Lazarus Law Firm

South Florida Prescription Error Attorneys

You’re running around town on a Saturday afternoon taking care of those errands you can’t attend to during the week. One of your stops is at the dry cleaners where you pick up your shirts, lightly starched, so you’ll be ready for work on Monday. When you arrive home you realize you didn’t receive your shirts, you have someone else’s laundry! Well, it’s inconvenient but it’s not the worst thing that ever happened so you return and get the right items.

One of your stops the following Saturday is the pharmacy. Surely your pharmacist is trained so well you don’t even think about a mistake with your pills. Think again.

According to the New York Times mistakes happen all too often, including these:

Edward Walker, 38, landed in an emergency room, his eyes swollen and burning after he put drops in them for five days in November 2018 to treat a mild irritation. A Walgreens in Illinois had accidentally supplied him with ear drops — not eye drops.

For Mary Scheuerman, 85, the error was discovered only when she was dying in a Florida hospital in December 2018. A Publix pharmacy had dispensed a powerful chemotherapy drug instead of the antidepressant her doctor had prescribed. She died about two weeks later.

These terrible incidents were pre-Covid-19.

Pharmacies today are busier than ever because of the sheer number of prescriptions being written for patients, and with Covid-19 pandemic people are more confused than ever about taking their Fort Lauderdale Pharmacy Negligence Attorneysmedications. At the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak the World Health Organization issued a warning about ibuprofen (the ingredient in Advil) and warned people not to take it. Later they dropped that warning, but many people are still leery and they just don’t know what to do.

Patients are concerned and asking questions about vaccines, experimental medications, and many people are panicking when they get a mild fever because they think they might be infected with Covid-19. The volume of work for pharmacists has risen since the pandemic started and that, according to multiple studies, is what leads to more mistakes.

South Florida Prescription Error Attorneys

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has focused on prescription errors since our beginning in 1992. South Florida is home for millions of seniors who take more prescriptions than younger people, and they are often the victims of pharmacy errors. We have always advised people to double-check their prescription medications but now with the pandemic continuing we urge people to be even more vigilant that they received the right order from their physician and that they get the proper medication and the right dosage from the pharmacy.

If you believe you have been given the wrong medication or dosage and you suffered because of that mistake, we can help. Calling us at (954) 356-0006 will put you directly in tough with Mr. Gary Lazarus or Arleen Lazarus and a free, confidential consultation can be arranged promptly.


Fort Lauderdale Hit and Run Accident Attorneys

What to do After a Hit and Run Accident – Fort Lauderdale Accident Attorneys Lazarus & Lazarus

South Florida Hit and Run Accidents

There is nothing good about having an accident on the road or in a parking lot. If you have one you certainly hope that no one is injured and you also hope the incident can be handled smoothly, letting the police and insurance companies do their jobs so you can move on. Sometimes a bad situation is made worse when one of the parties involved in an accident decides to leave the scene and not accept responsibility or provide certain information as required by law:

Under Florida Statute 316.027, if a person is involved in an accident or crash that results in injury or death to any person, including a passenger, the person is required to:

a) Stop Immediately.
b) Provide their name, address, registration information, and driver’s license.
c) Render reasonable assistance to the injured or deceased person by transporting, or making arrangements for the transportation, of the person to a medical professional for treatment if it is apparent that treatment is needed or the person requests assistance.Fort Lauderdale Hit and Run Accident Attorneys

The term most often used when someone fails to do these things is “hit and run accident” and more than one hit-and-run crash occurs every minute on U.S. roads, according to new research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

If you are involved in a serious accident and the other driver tries to flee the scene, what should you do?

If you are able, try to take note of the make, model, and color of the vehicle and hopefully the license plate. Call the police immediately and tell them about the other vehicle. Do not attempt to chase or stop the car and driver. There’s a reasonable chance this person will resist and you could be injured.

Most people are quite shaken after an accident, and this is normal. Once things are settled it’s a good idea to call an attorney who specializes in vehicle accidents who can help you get compensation for damages and injuries through your insurance company or the individual who left the scene. The sooner you call, the better. Don’t despair, help is available.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been helping the victims of hit and run accidents since 1992, getting the compensation they need to move on with their lives. Please call us at (954) 356-0006 for a free and confidential consultation.