Covid 19 Workplace Dangers

Covid 19 Workplace Dangers | Your Rights as an Employee

We are entering an era that many call “the new normal” but things are changing so rapidly that there are many questions, and the answers change constantly. Just when it seems new cases of Covid-19 infections is decreasing, more cases are reported.

If you are currently working or you are being recalled to your job and you are concerned about your safety in the workplace, you are not alone. Millions of employees are justifiably worried about becoming ill at work.

Employers are responsible for providing a safe place to work, and that includes:

1 – Making sure your facility is fully clean, disinfected and equipped with a blueprint for maintaining safe conditions.
2 – Setting up a support system in place for employees as they return to work and adjust to new realities and emotional challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
3 – Creating a plan for a safe work environment that protects employees and customers alike from risks connected to COVID-19, including exposure and transmission.

These are the basic steps and precautions, there are many more depending on the individual situation.

This is new from the United States Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

All employers, must determine whether employees who have COVID-19 contracted it at work. There is a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance which everyone should be aware of.

Employers will have to look for information about the cause of an employee’s virus infection whileCovid 19 Workplace Safety also respecting the worker’s privacy. If the employee caught the coronavirus at work or while performing work-related activities, the employer must record the illness on the OSHA Form 300.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus is dedicated to helping those who are injured because of the carelessness, negligence, or malpractice of others. Victims have rights to a safe environment and they also have a constitutional right to seek justice and compensation for their medical bills, lost time from work, and their pain and suffering when someone else is at fault for their sickness or injuries.

Our firm was founded in 1992 to help victims, and we offer free and confidential consultations to anyone who seek our help. Please call us at (954) 356-0006 if you have questions.

Covid 19 Workplace Attorneys

As Employees Return to Their Jobs Will They be Safe?

Covid 19 Workplace Attorneys

Employers Must Address Legitimate Fears About Covid-19 in the Workplace

Everyone has heard about “the flu season” but many people don’t know why it happens at a certain time each year. Contrary to popular belief, going out in the cold does not cause the common cold or the flu. People get sick when they come in contact with germs and that tends to happen more often when people gather indoors and are close to one another.

The flu season usually starts in the fall, partly because that’s when kids and teachers go back to school and they are suddenly mixed together indoors. The impact of the weather is simply that when it gets cold outside, people gather inside.

Covid-19 in the Workplace

Now we are faced with a truly unique situation. People who have been working from home will start moving back into workplaces in office buildings, factories, stores, and schools all at the sameCovid 19 Workplace Attorneys time. It’s not certain what will happen, but surely it will be imperative for employers to follow the common-sense precautions that have been recommended by the CDC:

  • Social Distancing
  • Hand Washing Stations and Hand Sanitizer Must be Provided
  • Face Masks and Face Shields
  • Thoroughly Clean all Surfaces Daily
  • Employees Who Demonstrate Symptoms Must be Tested and Separated from Others

Covid-19 Employer Responsibility

Employers must follow the Occupational Safety and Health Act’s general duty clause, which requires every employer to “furnish to each of employee a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.” If someone contracts a serious illness and they believe it was because of an unsafe workplace, they should seek legal advice.

Covid 19 Workplace Attorneys

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been committed to help victims of serious injuries and illnesses caused by others. Coronavirus illnesses and deaths caused by negligent employers must be identified and brought to light so victims can be compensated for their sickness, medical bills, and loss of income. We are here to listen to your story and can set up a telephone or online consultation if you call (954) 356-0006.

CDC Guide to Properly Wearing a Cloth Face Covering


Job Related Covid-19 Infections

Are Employers Liable for a Safe Working Environment During the Covid-19 Crisis?

Wrongful Death Lawsuit May Signal More to Come Because of Employer Negligence

A Walmart employee, Mr. Wando Evans, who had over 15 years of service to the world’s largest retailer died from coronavirus-related complications at the age of 51 and his family is blaming his employer.

Job Related Covid-19 InfectionsA lawsuit filed in Illinois alleges that Walmart failed to act when they knew the man was ill, and they failed to take reasonable precautions to ensure employee safety as specified by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

The current pandemic and resultant health crisis, business closures, unemployment, and stay-at-home orders are completely unfamiliar to most Americans, but this new normal may go on indefinitely.

Workplace Safety | Covid-19

From a legal perspective this is also new territory because never in our lifetimes has there been such a widespread and contagious disease where proper safety precautions can reduce the rate of infection and save lives.

Many employees are put in situations where they must work to earn money for their families and they expect and deserve to perform their job duties in a safe environment.

Covid-19 Workplace SafetyEach state has different statutes related to negligence and liabilities and the courts will determine on a case-by-case basis where the blame for, unfortunately, many more illnesses and deaths will occur.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been helping people victimized by the carelessness of others since 1992 and our client reviews demonstrate the levels of service we deliver to each and every client. If you believe you have been forced to work in an unsafe environment we are able to have a discussion with you to discuss your options. Our office is equipped to arrange a free online consultation so you may remain in your home and visually communicate with us.

We monitor our phone lines 7 days a week at (954) 356-0006

Preparing for the Coronavirus Quarantine

Planning Your Prescription Medication Needs During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Keep an Ample Supply but Make Sure You’re Getting the Right Medication

Headlines like this one “Pharmacy Shelves Empty as Health Officials Urge Home Preparedness to Protect Against Coronavirus” ( March 2020) can certainly cause anxiety in people, especially those who depend on prescription medications to stay alive.

This coronavirus crisis is causing financial hardships, increased anxiety, and of course serious sickness and death. It is vitally important for everyone to remain calm, follow the guidelines established by health officials, and take care of themselves as well as their loved ones.

One of the things people should do is be prepared by having sufficient medications on hand because they may not be able to get to the pharmacy as often as they normally do.

How Much Medication Should You Have on Hand?

According to an article at “If you want a reserve of prescription medication at home, start by talking to your doctor” said Robert McLean, a rheumatologist and president of the AmericanCoronavirus Quarantine College of Physicians. “It’s possible your physician could bump up your prescription from a 30-day supply to a 90-day supply. Then, call your pharmacy to make sure it can fill it.”

Pharmacy Errors

We have helped people who have been injured by pharmacy errors for 28 years, and we know there are many factors that contribute to mistakes made by pharmacies and pharmacists, but one of the most common is that they get too busy.

We have always stressed the importance of slowing down the patient-pharmacy relationship long enough speak with the pharmacist and verify that you receive the medications that were ordered by your physician. Make sure the dosages are correct and that there will be no adverse reactions with other medications, foods, or supplements.

We’re Here to Help

If you believe you may have experienced an error by a pharmacist or pharmacy we are here to answer your questions. We are prepared to arrange a consultation by phone or online if you call us at (954) 356-0006.

Preparing for the Coronavirus Quarantine