While everyone should always be aware of the danger of driving while impaired, the holidays are statistically the time when drunk driving accidents are most likely to occur. Lazarus and Lazarus, Broward county accident attorneys urge everyone to be especially alert and careful during this and all holiday seasons.
Summer holidays like the 4th of July bring out the worst in people, and winter holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Eve are also high on the list for serious injury accidents with impaired driving the cause.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the times of year when most DUI arrests and accidents happen are:
Memorial Day weekend sees more than 400 traffic fatalities most years. Over Labor Day weekend, the NSC notes that more than 400 traffic fatalities and more than 42,000 serious injuries occurred. In between the two dates is a stretch known as the “100 deadliest days for teens,” when more teens have too much free time and are more likely to engage in unsafe behaviors.
The 4th of July is known as the most dangerous holiday for people on the roads. More than 100 people died in traffic accidents over the 4th of July holiday this year.
Thanksgiving weekend, which includes “Blackout Wednesday” is the most traveled time of year, and therefore the number of accidents goes up proportionately. DUI arrests and accidents are also traditionally high, and extra caution should be observed.
Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and in-between has actually observed a slight reduction in DUI arrests, injuries, and fatal accidents possibly due to the fact that enforcement has been so concentrated on these holidays for many years. Alternatives to driving drunk like free cab rides may also be responsible for the decreases.
Broward County accident attorneys Lazarus and Lazarus have been representing victims of drunk driving accidents for over 20 years.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, here are some sobering stats regarding drunk driving accidents:
• In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.
• Of the 1,070 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2014, 209 (19%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.
• Of the 209 child passengers ages 14 and younger who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2014, over half (116) were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol-impaired driver.
• In 2014, over 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That’s one percent of the 121 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.
• Drugs other than alcohol (legal and illegal) are involved in about 16% of motor vehicle crashes.
• Marijuana use is increasing and 13% of nighttime, weekend drivers have marijuana in their system.
• Marijuana users were about 25% more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers with no evidence of marijuana use, however other factors – such as age and gender – may account for the
increased crash risk among marijuana users.
Broward County Accident Attorneys – The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus
Florida had over 61,000 DUI arrests in 2015, second only to Texas and California in the U.S.
The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus is committed to providing superior representation to victims of drunk driving accidents. We specialize in helping victims deal with their injuries, their expenses, and their recovery. Your rights under the law and getting you compensation for your losses are our primary concern.
You may reach out to us any time by calling 954-356-0006 and asking for a confidential consultation.
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