Florida Truck Accident Attorney

Large Truck Collisions – Florida Truck Accident Attorney

We would all like to live a nice, long, healthy life and pass away from “natural causes” after a few hundred years. The truth is, most people who pass away early die from unnatural causes like car accidents, homicide, poisoning, and all kinds of other scary things that, with some care and thought, might be avoided.

We constantly stress the need for safety on the road, and it’s for a very good reason. It’s dangerous out there!

Trucks are the foundation for our society’s delivery of food and other products, but in 2015, 1 in 10 highway deaths nationwide were the result of a crash that involved a large truck. Of the 3,852 people who died in truck crashes that year, only 16 percent were truck occupants. The rest were other drivers, passengers in those drivers’ vehicles, or pedestrians.

In Florida, the number of traffic fatalities overall increased 17.8 percent between 2014 and 2015. The number that involved commercial motor vehicles jumped 20.7 percent (232 to 280) during that same time.

So what’s the plan? Be careful all the time, but be really attentive when you’re near a big truck. Remember that trucks have something called “blind spots.” Truck drivers have areas where they can’t see other traffic, even with their mirrors. If you watch videos on YouTube that show real accidents, you may notice that a lot of them involve big trucks. Often, a car is passing a truck and the truck moves over into the car’s lane, causing a horrendous accident. This may be because the car is in the truck driver’s blind spot. See the diagram below and be aware of them. They can’t see you when you’re in the red zones.

Everyone is in a big hurry today, and often they feel the need to pass anyone and everyone ahead of them. First of all, try to slow it down, and second, be very careful going through the blind spots. Watch carefully and if the truck driver seems to moving over, drop back! You will never win a battle with a big truck.

Florida Truck Accident Attorney – Fort Lauderdale

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been representing people involved in big truck accidents for over 20 years. We understand the complex issues that come up regarding ownership, insurance, and the accident investigation procedures with truck accidents. Call us at 954-356-0006 if you have questions, and thank you.

florida truck accident attorney