You’ve been involved in an accident and you aren’t really sure what to do. There are an average of 1100 crashes per day in Florida, so you’re not alone. Perhaps you’re injured and can’t work, your car is damaged, you have bills to pay and your family and friends are all telling you what to do. It’s a very frustrating situation and you feel like you’re powerless. You’re not.
The first thing you’ll want to do is reach out to an experienced accident and personal injury attorney. Someone who will take your side and is committed to helping you. This situation is new to you but we have been helping people through these difficult times for 27 years and we understand. Personal injury attorneys in almost all cases do not charge for an initial consultation, and that is where you will begin to understand what steps to take to protect yourself, and why.
So take a deep breath, believe that everything is going to work out, and read on…
Initial Consultation
The initial consultation is where we sit down with you and we get to know each other. Chances are we’re going to be working together for some time until everything is resolved so it’s important we meet. If you are unable to visit our office we can meet someplace that’s convenient for you. Here are some things to be prepared for:
Be Ready to Talk. Before we meet you should try to write down some notes about the accident. When and where did it happen? Who was involved? It’s important to be straightforward and honest. Remember that everything you say to your attorney is completely confidential and we are prohibited from ever disclosing anything you tell us. We ask that our clients be honest from the start because we need to make sure all the facts are out in the open so we can do our job.
Bring Evidence. If you took any pictures or have witnesses, bring what you can so we understand the situation as completely as possible. Don’t try to investigate the accident yourself, that’s a job for the police if they’re involved and it’s also our responsibility. We handle any follow up as far as gathering evidence you may not be aware of.
Be Ready to Discuss Money. Our job is to make sure you get the money you are entitled to for your physical, mental, and emotional injuries and for damages to your property. You may have future damages related to your ability to work. We will speak with you about anything that involves money because we want you to have a very clear expectation about your case. We believe in a completely honest dialogue and will always give you the truth.
Our initial consultation is free, and in most cases we do not charge any attorney fees until your case has concluded. We talk about all money issues up front.
Be Ready to Discuss Time. Sometimes cases settle very quickly and others take longer. We will do everything in our power to expedite your case so you can move on with your life.
Finally, we ask you read our online reviews before we meet and see what other clients have said about our service and commitment to them. We are a small firm with a big heart and a powerful reputation for fighting very hard for all our clients. We know you need to be in touch with us throughout you case and so we do that. You can always reach us if you need to talk.
Click here to read our reviews.
Choosing an attorney for your accident case is a big one. You can begin the process by calling 954-356-0006, and thank you.
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