Overseas Health and Accident Insurance for Cruise Passengers

Two important things to think about whenever you travel overseas are (1) local laws and (2) insurance coverage.

Foreign laws are quite different than U.S. laws and anyone traveling abroad would be wise to study them, especially criminal laws. For example, with marijuana regulation lightening up in America, one might think that the rest of the world is going the same way.

That’s not entirely accurate.

For example, if you are going to Thailand, you may want to know that in Thailand, possession of category one drugs for the purpose of sale carries the death penalty!

People going on a cruise often think that the cruise company will have all bases covered should anything happen, like an illness, accident, or a minor legal issue. That, too would be an incorrect assumption. If you’re on board the ship and have a health issue, most ships have doctors and a medical facility. At a port-of-call you might be on your own.

On a recent B&O Cruise several passengers were injured while off-ship on the island of Vanuatu when their bus struck another vehicle. The report said “of the 12 tourists injured in the accident, 10 of them were seriously injured enough to warrant air ambulance evacuations to Brisbane. Several of the tourists involved in the crash suffered head injuries and multiple fractures.” Brisbane is 1200 miles from Vanuatu, which is quite disconcerting.

So, what can you do to make sure you are covered for any mishaps, accidents, or emergencies that might happen while far from home on a cruise? It might be a good idea to look into some quality insurance coverage.

There are three types of insurance related to international travel:

  • Travel Insurance insures your financial investment in your trip. Typically it covers such things as the cost of your lost baggage and cancelled flights, but it may or may not cover costs of medical attention you might need while abroad.
  • Travel Medical Insurance covers the cost of various levels of overseas medical treatment.
  • Medical Evacuation Services provides air ambulance, medical evacuation or medical escort service coverage for overseas travelers.

Before you buy new coverage, check your own insurance. Some policies will cover you abroad, some will not. The U.S. State Department has a link to a page on their website that offers a list of companies that will provide coverages. Blue Cross offers travel health insurance here.

As you can see, this is all a very complex area to understand. When someone is injured or is the victim of a crime while on a cruise away from the U.S. it’s always a complicated issue.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been dealing with victims of negligence by cruise line companies, foreign medical personnel, hotels, and other transportation providers for over 20 years. We are one of the most highly regarded firms in the area of maritime law and we deal with U.S. and foreign law enforcement as well as insurance companies to make sure our clients are protected. Please reach out to us by calling 954-356-0006 and ask to speak with Gary or Arleen Lazarus.

Cruise Ship Alcohol

Pre-Paid Alcohol Plans + Moving Cruise Ship = Injuries

Plans Encourage More Drinking

There’s something about traveling that brings out the desire to drink in certain individuals. Some people sit down in their seat on an airliner and the first thing they look for is the beverage cart. Many commuter trains used to have bar cars, but most have been eliminated. The Metro North line in New York and Connecticut was apparently the last and they ended in 2014.

Cruise lines have taken the concept of travel-drinking to a new high with all-you-can-drink plans for passengers who don’t want to take the chance they might not get enough booze on their voyage. Carnival Cruise Lines offers a plan called CHEERS! and their website says “The cost to purchase CHEERS! prior to your cruise is $49.95 USD per person, per day plus 15% gratuity.”

Cruise Ship AlcoholSome people feel that it is irresponsible to offer these types of drinking plans to people who are obviously going to be in an unfamiliar setting on a moving vessel. The cruise lines have no idea if they are selling these plans to responsible, experienced drinkers or people who have very bad reactions to alcohol. Everyone is different.

Common sense tells most people that excessive alcohol consumption reduces a person’s ability to control balance and motor skills. If common sense isn’t doing it, there is also plenty of medical evidence. According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol affects every single organ in the human body. After even just one drink, you might notice the effects of alcohol on your mind and ability to perceive your environment. This is the result of the alcohol being absorbed rapidly into your blood stream.

Each instance involving a passenger injured while imbibing in alcohol on cruise ship will involve several questions. Was the passenger indeed drunk? Was the passenger over-served? Was there negligence on the part of the ship involving dangerous conditions?  Some people might think, “If I get drunk and fall on a cruise ship, it’s not my fault,” and that may or may not be true. The responsibility for injuries incurred on a cruise ship is often a murky area, as there may be negligence by the passenger or by the ship. As with most things pertaining to the law, it’s complicated.

People go on cruises to have fun, there is no doubt about that. People also are injured, sometimes severely on cruise ships. When accidents happen, someone has to conduct a thorough investigation about the facts and circumstances that may have contributed to the incident. Many personal injury attorneys will claim to be qualified to handle a cruise ship injury but very few are actually experienced and have sufficient knowledge of the cruise industry to properly represent a victim.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been representing the victims of cruise ship negligence for over 20 years. We are familiar with the tactics used by cruise line corporations, and we know how to get results for our clients. Please reach out to us by calling 954-356-0006 and ask to speak with Gary or Arleen Lazarus. All communication with our office is strictly confidential.

“Their Anxiety Grew as the Pills Dwindled”

Supply Chain Issues Cause Stress and Jeopardize Patient Health

Pharmacy Supply Chain ErrorsWe have discussed the fact that medical errors are now the 3rd leading cause of death, and that pharmacy errors account for a great number of those deaths. Many mistakes regarding prescription medications occur as a result of human error such as putting the wrong pills in the bottle, mislabeling, or incorrect dosages.

A new article in Forbes – A Prescription Drug Bottleneck Put My Husband’s Life in Danger – addresses a growing number of patients dealing with the “supply-chain” side of getting medicine from the pharmaceutical manufacturers to the patient.

Some companies are trying to by-pass traditional pharmacies and send medication via mail-order in order to save money. This article describes a patient afflicted with Parkinson’s disease and his wife who endured several very stressful episodes when crucial medication was completely unavailable.

Are Prescription Medications Safe?

Another issue related to the pharmaceutical supply chain is the fact that drugs often pass through many hands as they travel from the factory to the consumer.

Wholesalers and secondary wholesalers often distribute medicine to the highest bidder, or ship them out of the country if there is a buyer willing to pay. It is also in these mid-level channels that counterfeit drugs sometimes infiltrate the market from China, Thailand, or Columbia. The more frequently a drug changes hands, the greater the chance that counterfeit or diverted drugs can enter the legitimate supply chain.

Such a porous supply chain poses hazards to patients — thousands of people worldwide die every year from ingesting fake drugs — and it costs the pharmaceutical industry an estimated US$46 billion a year in lost profits. The World Health Organization (WHO) in a recent study said that counterfeit drugs represent more than 10 percent of global sales. In 2004, the FDA reported that the number of its investigations of counterfeit drugs rose by 150 percent from the previous year as a growing number of criminal groups take advantage of high profits and penalties that are less severe than those for selling illegal narcotics such as heroin or cocaine.

The chances of receiving a counterfeit pill from one of the major pharmacy chains in the U.S. are very slim, but it’s not a bad idea to inspect your medications and make sure they look right, that they’re the right color, etc.

If something doesn’t look right with your medication check with your pharmacist, and there are pictures of pills online, look for one published by the manufacturer.

Lazarus and Lazarus has been dealing with pharmacy-error-related injuries for over 20 years. If you believe you have suffered due to a prescription medicine related error or negligence on the part of a pharmacist, pharmacy, or any medical practitioner, we would be happy to sit down with you and listen to your story. We can be reached by calling 954-356-0006

Edited by Telarfa Czanno

Accident Damage Florida

Documenting Injuries and Damage After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Early Photos and Witness Statements Help to Substantiate Your Case

The immediate reaction after a serious motor vehicle accident is often “oh no, what am I going to do?” There is usually confusion, phone calls to family and friends, and a general feeling of disbelief and bewilderment.

It’s a very good idea to make a mental note – right now – that if the time comes and you are involved in an accident, you must try to do your best to remain calm. Cool heads rule in situations like this and if you want to come away from a bad situation with as little negative results as possible, you’ll want to try to calmly and accurately document everything right from the start.

Accident Injuries and Accident Damages

Using an acronym sometimes helps remember what to do in stressful situations, so you may want to remember POW:

  • Pictures
  • Observations
  • Witnesses

Pictures – Almost everyone on Earth carries a phone with a camera. Try to take pictures immediately after an accident as long as it doesn’t interfere with rendering aid or with law enforcement’s investigation. If you can’t do it, perhaps someone else can do it for you. Damage to vehicles, road conditions, conditions at the time of the accident. For example, if a stop sign was laying on the ground and that caused you to not see it, take a picture. By the next day it may be repaired and your story has no support.

Early pictures of injuries are important because once they are bandaged or casted by medical personnel it may be weeks before you have the opportunity again.

Observe – Some things you cannot record with a camera, but try to remember or write down other things you notice. Who was there? Did someone leave the scene? Anything that seems unusual, try to make a written note of the details.

Witnesses – If the police are involved they will look for and interview witnesses, but sometimes a witness will leave before the law enforcement arrives. Try to get the names and numbers of people who might be able to help, and do it nicely. Witnesses can be a very important asset later if they are needed.

None of these things should ever be done if they interfere in any way with medical personnel or with law enforcement. They are valuable pieces to puzzle which may be gradually pieced together during the course of building a case which might involve statements, depositions, evidentiary fact-finding, lab tests, expert witnesses etc.

Once again, cool heads come out ahead.

Finding a Qualified Florida Accident Attorney

Now, after the dust settles and you have time to visit with an attorney who specializes in auto, truck, and motorcycle accidents, that attorney will be able to calmly explain your rights and your options. The pictures, observations, and witness information you gathered will greatly affect his or her ability to get to the truth for you.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been working with victims of serious vehicle accidents for over 23 years. They work with people across south Florida and they are familiar with all aspects of accidents, from dealing with insurance companies and doctors, to working with law enforcement.

Calling 954-356-0606 will put you in touch with Gary and Arleen Lazarus, two of the most caring, competent, and dedicated personal injury attorneys in Florida. After a confidential meeting you will have all options explained to you with no obligation whatsoever.

How to Select a Florida Personal Injury Attorney

Ask Questions and Do Your Research Before you Choose

There is no way to prepare for an accident. You wear seatbelts, drive carefully, and buy insurance, but you’re never really prepared for the unexpected.

If you haven’t been in a car accident, consider yourself lucky. Or overdue.

By car insurance industry estimates, you will file a claim for a collision about once every 17.9 years. That’s if you’re an average driver, which, whether you’re willing to admit it or not, you likely are.

Florida Personal Injury AttorneyChances are these crashes won’t be deadly. There are about 10 million accidents of all kinds each year, from parking lot scrapes to multi-car pileups, according to the National Safety Council; in 2009, just three of every 1,000 of those accidents involved fatalities.

When you’re involved in an accident, your first concerns are (1) yourself and (2) your car. If the accident is serious and there are injuries, it’s very important to immediately protect your rights under the law.

Medical bills start accumulating from the moment you are treated by a paramedic or physician, so time is of the essence. The first person to contact after medical help and law enforcement is a qualified personal injury attorney, but how do you find a good one?

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission offers these pointers for choosing an attorney:

Look for a lawyer who has experience and a good record settling personal injury cases. Some of the ways to find an attorney who specializes in auto accident settlements include:

  • Ask friends, family and associates.
  • Call your state bar association.
  • Check with a lawyer referral service.

And of course there is experience. Albert Einstein said “The only source of knowledge is experience.”

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been representing victims of automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents for over 23 years. Gary and Arleen Lazarus are eminently qualified to understand the statutes involved with serious accidents and they are highly experienced dealing with hospitals, insurance companies, and law enforcement when there is a need to cut the red tape and get facts about their client’s cases.

Testimonials from previous clients can be reviewed here, and the attorney referral website avvo.com is an excellent place for additional reviews and ratings.

Confidentiality, trust, and attention to detail are three facets of the attorney-client relationship stressed by the Lazarus Law Firm. Any and all questions regarding qualifications, results, and procedures are welcomed by Gary and Arleen, and calling 954-356-0006 will put you in touch with their caring and professional staff.

Florida Accident Attorney

Social Media and Accident Cases

Be Very Careful After an Accident – LOL may become an OMG

You’ve been in a car accident. You’re shaken up, but fortunately you’re not hurt badly. You think the same about the people in the other car.

The next day you share the details with everyone on social media. You post pictures from the scene, your thoughts about what happened, and you even comment about the nice-looking police officer who came to the accident. It all seems harmless and kind of funny.

Florida Accident AttorneyTwo days later you get word that someone in the other car is actually injured far more seriously than you thought, and you realize it might be better if some of the things you posted on the internet remained private. Quickly you delete everything you posted and you’re all in the clear. Right?

That’s not entirely accurate.

In today’s high-tech world not only are the images and text messages you deleted still somewhere on your computer or smart-phone, they’re on your friend’s devices as well. They’re also in a place known as “the cloud” which means they are now part of a virtual world where they can be accessed by almost anyone. Forever.

Electronically stored information, or ESI, is a very significant part of almost every legal case today. Nothing is ever really deleted, and through a process known as legal discovery your pictures, emails, and text messages can be recovered and used as evidence in a court of law. There are companies that specialize in extracting ESI and they are very proficient.

Everyone has a duty and a legal responsibility to be forthcoming and to tell the truth when speaking with a police officer or when giving statements under oath. However, no one has to publish potentially damaging evidence across the internet for the whole world to see.

There are real-life examples of people who doomed their court cases and settlements because of things they posted online. Insurance companies will do everything and anything they can to avoid paying damages and they will scour the internet trying to find something incriminating related to a victim who is completely innocent of any negligence in a personal injury case.

In the time gap between an accident and your first phone call to an attorney, it’s in your best interest to remain silent.

Securing the counsel of a qualified attorney after any accident is a very prudent decision. Your attorney can advise you on your rights as well as your responsibilities pertaining not only to your injuries and/or damages, but your right to not self-incriminate.

Personal Injury Experts

These are complex areas of law, and the Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus is very experienced with social media as it relates to personal injury cases. Calling 954-356-0006 immediately after you are involved in any accident or personal injury incident will put you in touch with Gary and Arleen Lazarus, who have been advising victims for over 23 years.

Truck Accidents in Florida

Video of Tragic Miami Accident Shows Devastation Caused by Large Trucks

Investigating Truck Accident Injuries Requires Unique Proficiency and Experience

A commercial truck accident can be far more catastrophic than an accident between two personal-use vehicles. A fully loaded commercial truck can weigh at least 25 times as much as a typical car. Because of this stark weight disparity and the basic laws of physics, most big rig truck accidents with other vehicles result in serious, even fatal, injuries.

Truck Accidents in FloridaCommercial truck drivers have received special training and are generally more careful on the road than automobile drivers. In 2012, there were 3,921 people killed and 104,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks (gross vehicle weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds).

It is important to note that of those 3,921 people killed in big-truck accidents in 2012, 697 were in the big truck and 3,224 were occupants or drivers of the other vehicles, or pedestrians. This tells us that trucks are, by their size alone, dangerous. Drivers should always be alert and cautious but even more so when a large truck is nearby.

Florida Truck Accidents

An April, 2016 video of an accident in Miami demonstrates the immense power and destructive forces involved when a heavy truck impacts passenger vehicles.

This Miami Herald includes video of the accident, which may be disturbing: Miami Herald

In addition, truck accidents can be made worse by the freight the truck is carrying. For example, if hazardous or flammable materials (such as gasoline or industrial waste) are on board a big rig involved in an accident, secondary injuries from that dangerous cargo can result.

A few facts about big-truck transportation:

  • There are 3.24 million truck drivers in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • The average daily run for a long-haul, over-the-road truck driver is nearly 500 miles.
  • Most long-haul, over-the-road truck drivers average from 100,000 to 110,000 miles per year.

Long Hours

Drowsy driving can contribute to truck accidents, and here are the rules regarding consecutive hours for commercial drivers carrying property:

  • May drive a maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.
  • May not drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty, following 10 consecutive hours off duty.

According to a study done by the Harvard Health Watch, an average American spends 101 minutes per day driving.

A commercial truck driver involved in an accident may be an independent driver, may work for a small company that does not provide insurance, or might be an employee of a large corporation that does provide insurance. Who is liable for damages in a truck accident can be very confusing, and requires extensive study to get to the facts.

People Who Care

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been helping victims of truck accidents in south Florida for over 20 years. We have the experience and expertise to properly investigate these terrifying events in order to understand how to help the injured participants. Reaching out to us is easy by calling 954-356-0006 and asking to speak with Gary or Arleen Lazarus. We will work hard to protect your rights to proper compensation for your damages. We are experienced Florida Truck Accident Attorneys.


Are “Distracted Drivers” Killing Motorcyclists in Florida?

Study says Texting is to Blame for Many Accidents

Motorcycles are dangerous, there is little doubt about that. But some people shrug off the problem, thinking “it’s their fault for getting on those things in the first place.”

Motorcycle Accidents FloridaThe truth is, the majority (60%) of 2-vehicle accidents involving motorcycles are the fault of the other driver, not the motorcyclist. The question is, what caused the driver of the car or truck to cause the crash?

A study of over 10 years of crash data from Florida roads revealed that dozens of motorcycle fatalities were directly attributed to texting by the drivers of the other vehicle. It’s unknown how many were caused by, but the investigations failed to find evidence of texting.

Distracted Driving

Traffic crash studies are finding higher rates of distracted driving as the cause for crashes. What are the types of distraction?

  • Visual: taking your eyes off the road;
  • Manual: taking your hands off the wheel; and
  • Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving.

Distracted driving activities include things like using a cell phone, texting, and eating. Using in-vehicle technologies (such as navigation systems) can also be sources of distraction. While any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others, texting while driving is especially dangerous because it combines all three types of distraction.

Each day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,060 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.

As of April 27, 2016 a staggering 831 people have been killed on Florida roads. 154 were pedestrians, 37 were on bicycles, and the number of motorcyclists is not yet available.

What we do know is that Florida holds the dubious distinction of having the highest number of motorcycle deaths in the nation. In Florida, 491 people died in motorcycle accidents in 2012, more than any other state. Motorcycle fatalities accounted for one out of every five traffic deaths in Florida in 2012. Many motorcycle riders are very safety conscious, but still suffer serious or fatal injuries in crashes caused by other motorists. Often other drivers simply fail to see a motorcyclist.

Special Circumstances

Laws are being passed across the country to ban texting, and other laws are on the books to require only hands-free operation for calls. There is also a device on the market – TextBuster – that installs in a car under the dashboard and is designed to block all data and text messages while the car is turned on.

Unfortunately, people ignore these laws and continue to cause mayhem on the road. It takes losing a friend or family member for some people to understand the danger of distracted driving.

There is Help

Motorcycle accidents are a special category of traffic crashes, and they require special expertise and experience to investigate. Injuries are usually severe and often fatal. Also, there are unique issues related to insurance when motorcycles are involved in serious crashes.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been dealing with the pain and suffering experienced by victims of motorcycle accidents for over 20 years. We understand what happens and what is required to protect victim’s rights and see that they receive the medical treatment and compensation they deserve.

Call Gary and Arleen Lazarus at 954-356-0006 to arrange a confidential consultation.

Adverse Drug Events Soar as Number of People on Meds Reaches Record Number

Nearly Two-Thirds of American Adults Take 5 or More Medications

As 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there are 242,470,820 adults living in the United States, and a new study says that 62% are regularly taking five or more medications. That’s a lot of pills, inhalants, drops, elixirs, ointments, and suppositories.

When someone has a serious reaction, becomes ill, or dies because of a medication it could be an error by the patient, a mistake by the physician, a mix-up by the pharmacist, or a defect in the medication itself. The terminology for these events varies, but the government has decided the general term is Adverse Drug Events, or ADEs.

It’s important that when an ADE occurs, and it’s serious or life threatening, that the cause be determined. Sometimes it is negligence or malpractice on the part of the medical professional involved. These people and, in the case of pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, companies, need to be held accountable to the victims who suffer as a result of their errors.

ADEs account for nearly 700,000 emergency department visits and 100,000 hospitalizations each year. ADEs affect nearly 5% of hospitalized patients, making them one of the most common types of inpatient errors; ambulatory patients may experience ADEs at even higher rates. Transitions in care are also a well-documented source of preventable harm related to medications.

Another term you may not be aware of is Polypharmacy—taking more medications than clinically indicated. This is likely the strongest risk factor for ADEs. Elderly patients, who take more medications and are more vulnerable to specific medication adverse effects, are particularly vulnerable to ADEs. Pediatric patients are also at elevated risk, particularly when hospitalized, since many medications for children must be dosed according to their weight. Other well-documented patient-specific risk factors include limited health literacy and numeracy (the ability to use arithmetic operations for daily tasks), both of which are independently associated with ADE risk.

This is a table that identifies potential places where ADEs can happen and safety strategies:

Prescribing •Avoid unnecessary medications by adhering to conservative prescribing principles
•Computerized provider order entry, especially when paired with clinical decision support systems
•Medication reconciliation at times of transitions in care
Transcribing •Computerized provider order entry to eliminate handwriting errors
Dispensing •Clinical pharmacists to oversee medication dispensing process
•Use of “tall man” lettering and other strategies to minimize confusion between look-alike, sound-alike medications
Administration •Adherence to the “Five Rights” of medication safety (administering the Right Medication, in the Right Dose, at the Right Time, by the Right Route, to the Right Patient)
•Barcode medication administration to ensure medications are given to the correct patient
•Minimize interruptions to allow nurses to administer medications safely
•Smart infusion pumps for intravenous infusions
•Patient education and revised medication labels to improve patient comprehension of administration instructions

Note that the largest section of the table is “Administration” which is where the patient and his or her caregivers are most-directly involved. This is where the drugs contact the patient.

If a patient is unable to properly count the pills and understand when to take them, then someone must help that person. Almost everyone has been aware of a family member or friend who is in this situation. Please try to help them or find them the help they need.

If a family member, other loved one, or friend is the victim of an ADE, it’s important to contact the right people for help. Medication errors that cause harm is an arena in the legal profession that requires experience and expertise due to the complexity of the pharmaceutical industry and the various medical professions.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has dedicated a substantial portion of their legal practice to pharmacy errors and negligence. Calling 954-356-0006 will put you in touch with a dedicated team of legal professionals who can help.

Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Database Opens to More Online Users

Program is Intended to Reduce Abuse of Controlled Substances

When Florida’s famous “pill mills” were pushing out dangerous medications to patients with addictions, advocates for better medical records pushed for a central database to track prescriptions for controlled substances. The result was the 2009 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and most health-care professionals believe it has been a success.

Close-up of the Rx prescription symbol on a computer keyboard.

One of the drawbacks of the program has been the restrictions placed on who can actually access the system to input records, and view existing information. These restrictions specified that only physicians, pharmacists, and certain other practitioner s were able to actually access the system, not pharmacy techs or office personnel in doctor’s offices. The limits were put in place for good reason, as confidentiality is crucial to patient rights, but often the doctors and pharmacists are so busy that they lack the time to properly run the system as intended.

Often this blog has covered the high-volume of work placed on pharmacists as a contributing factor in the increasing number of prescription errors, and so this change may turn out to be a good one, time will tell.

Last month, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 964, which changes who may access the database.  Currently only pharmacists and prescribers, such as physicians, dentists, and nurse practitioners, are authorized to access and submit reports to the database. Beginning July 1, 2016 the new law will specifically allow designees working on behalf of pharmacists and prescribers to check the database and submit reports.  This change is intended to improve compliance by making it easier for busy pharmacists and prescribers to delegate reporting activities to their staff.

While the PDMP is a good idea in principal, it applies only to controlled substances such as powerful painkillers and will not prevent patients from having drug interactions with their normal medications. It is very important for all patients to take time to discuss all their medications with their doctors and pharmacists. If you don’t understand something, ask.

The Law Firm of Lazarus and Lazarus has been representing victims of prescription medication errors and negligence for over 20 years. In that time the number of drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has increased by over 3000, which makes this area of law extremely complex. Gary and Arleen Lazarus remain highly proficient and are eminently qualified to represent victims of prescription errors, and their office is dedicated to protecting the rights of victims. Calling 954-356-0006 will put you in touch with their caring staff.